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4 skin problems that often occur during pregnancy and how to overcome them

The appearance of skin problems during pregnancy is often a complaint of pregnant women. This skin problem can make pregnant woman's self-confidence decrease. Come on, know what skin problems that often occur during pregnancy and how to overcome them. Various things can cause skin problems during pregnancy, ranging from changes in hormone levels and blood circulation in the body, decreased immune system function, to weight gain.

Various Skin Problems in Pregnant Women

The following are some skin problems that often arise during pregnancy:

1. Black spots on the face (pregnancy mask)

One skin problem that often causes discomfort in pregnant women is the appearance of black patches on several parts of the skin, such as the forehead, cheeks, nose, and above the lips In order to make the black spots less obvious, Bumil can do the following ways:
  • Use sunscreen with SPF 15 when pregnant women want to leave the house.
  • Wear a hat or umbrella that can protect your skin from exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Reduce outdoor activities during the day.

2. Acne (pregnancy pimples)

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause the oil glands to produce more sebum. This will increase the risk of acne appearing. If Bumil's face has acne before becoming pregnant, then her condition can get worse during pregnancy. Now, to reduce the risk of acne appearing during pregnancy, pregnant women can try the following steps:
  • Clean your face twice a day, with mild facial soap and no fragrance.
  • Use moisturizers and cosmetics that are labeled oil-free or non-comedogenic.
  • If you want to use drugs to treat acne, consult with your doctor first, because some acne medications are not safe for pregnant women.

3. Stretch marks

Stretching of the skin as the abdomen grows bigger triggers the appearance of stretch marks in pregnant women. Actually the skin has elasticity that can adapt to changes. However, if the increase in body weight and size of the fetus force the pregnant woman's skin to stretch beyond the maximum limit, stretch marks will appear on Bumil's stomach. Usually stretch marks appear on the abdomen, breasts, thighs, and buttocks. To prevent this skin problem, pregnant women can do the following:
  • Apply almond oil on the stomach regularly. This method can also reduce the number of stretch marks on the skin.
  • Routine to do light exercise.

4. Varicose veins

Pregnant women are at risk of developing varicose veins because their bodies are adjusting to supply blood to the fetus. Varicose veins are marked by bluish streaks that are usually seen on the legs and feet. In addition to interfere with appearance, varicose veins can also make pregnant women feel uncomfortable, and sometimes cause pain. Pregnant women can prevent and reduce symptoms that arise due to varicose veins by:
  • Use support stockings or compression stockings.
  • Routine to do moderate exercise during pregnancy. With regular exercise, blood circulation in the body of pregnant women will be smoother.
  • Meet the needs of vitamin C during pregnancy, to keep blood vessels remain elastic and healthy.
  • Position the foot higher than the heart, when lying down. This position can increase blood circulation in the body.
  • Avoid excessive weight gain.
  • Don't sit or stand for too long.
  • Limit salt intake.
However, skin changes don't always interfere during pregnancy. There are also skin changes known as pregnancy glow, which can make pregnant women look more beautiful. Although the exact cause is unknown, pregnancy glow is believed to occur due to an increase in blood volume and the production of several hormones during pregnancy. This makes the skin of pregnant women look red and chewy, and look smoother and more radiant. Some skin problems that have been described above often occur during pregnancy. But do not worry, these problems will usually disappear by itself after pregnant women give birth. However, if you feel very disturbed by skin problems during pregnancy, pregnant women can consult a doctor to get appropriate and safe treatment.


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